Thursday, January 17, 2008


I’ve been thinking about what I want the New Year to hold, things I want to accomplish, etc. Though I cannot pin-point specifics, I know all-in-all I want this year to be about enjoying life, as well as rediscovering and growing my confidence. I want to really define and create a home I love, a body I feel good walking around in, and a relationship that is steady and unbroken. I want to grow in my creative endeavors, get involved in something outside of work, and embrace the friends I have and the new ones to come.

I’d like to . . .

Take more baths

Eat more veggies

Write more

Read more

Send more postcards

Go to the gym (believe it or not I actually like it once I get there)

Cook more at home

1 comment:

blah said...

Dear Stacy,

welcome to blogland! you have a lovely blog here.

I especially love the interiors that you feature! :-)

I'm adding you to my links list :-)

Hope you're having a great weekend!
