If you have some free time, I recommend checking me out over here. I've got a new freelance gig writing fashion tips for the Examiner Seattle, and perhaps you might find some inspiration for the fast-approaching spring season.
Come back Friday, I am posting the Giveaway for April and you won't want to miss it.
Honestly, your give away is what got me, but your terrific blog is what keeps me. If you are busy, we will all understand. You go girl. xo
Wish you all the best at new job!
good luck! also, I love the editorial in British Vogue where the photo of Natalia came from :)
Good luck in your new job!
Good luck Stacy!
Good luck in your new job...you must be excited:)!!!
The picture is beatiful!
love that photo...
I will check you out at that link!
Congratulations on your new job!!! I am sure you will do great and I hope it will bring you everything you desire for the future, and much, much more... I so admire you for being so strong and courageous and going after what you really want and getting it to! you rock!
BTW, this picture is so great!
is that chanel??? DAMN i love that photo. can't wait to hear about the new job!
new jobs are always scary yet exciting...but probably more scary haha best of luck!
mmmm love that sassy outfit. Bummed to miss fashio week - catch up soon.
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