Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Maybe I am a bit late on this, but I just got my Toast catalog in the mail yesterday and oh does it make me wish for summer (dusk in Sacramento, 85 degrees at 6 o'clock at night, sitting across from the park, drink iced coffee,wearing tank tops and skirts, and of course talking shit with Amy). But no, it's Seattle - not so sunny and 36 degrees.

None the less, the catalog didn't fail to disappoint. And the images make me excited to put clothes on.


Anonymous said...

aw, i would give anything to have this scene play out and talk shit with you, too.

..... said...

the model on the second pic is gorgeous !! gotta order this catalog too

amy korngiebel said...

i adore that 1st pic. love her pants. love her tucked in shirt. love her hat.